Tuesday 21 April 2015

Open Letter to College Presidents and Trustees

This blog is about an open letter for the college president and trustees. The main information this letter is providing are building a successful blended environment, overcoming post recession pressures, education model and catering to born digital generation

Here at Significant Systems higher education marketing firm, we believe there will be millions of new jobs available for American workers by 2018. Many of these jobs just simply cannot be outsourced to another country. We believe there will be a new approach to education including closer transfer relationships between Four Year, Regionally Accredited Institutions and Community Colleges, most of which will be enabled by Private/Public Partnerships.

Building a Successful “Blended Environment”

With the rapid and unending expansion of the Internet and its role in facilitating communication, interaction and learning, the new model for Community Colleges nationwide will allow students to participate on the physical campus once or twice a week minimum for the benefit of human interaction with faculty, but with the great majority of the work done anywhere, anytime via a convenient, robust online delivery system. Some higher education consultants call this a "blended environment."

Our higher education marketing firm projects that Four Year, Regionally Accredited Institutions will revise past policies to allow for more dynamic transfer of credits from Community Colleges. This emerging new model - flexible campus-based model with online programs - benefits both Community Colleges as well as Four Year Institutions.

We realize that more students will be working adults who have "life happens” experiences with jobs, family, and other responsibilities, making online higher education increasingly compelling. Still, demand for classrooms has never been greater and will only increase. This makes marketing strategies for higher education establishments fairly tricky…

Overcoming Post-Recession Pressures

Supported by the 2013 National Survey of Access and Financial Issues report authored by the Education Policy Center, in November 2013, SignificantSystems.org is offering select Four Year schools and Community Colleges a unique combination of experienced online expertise combined with funding for more classroom and dormitory facilities.

The report clearly states, "The worst of the budget cuts for all public education sectors may be over, but recovery to pre-recession levels is a long way off in many states."

All of this is compounded by intense competition for state funding with falling donations. Even as recessionary pressures are subsiding in many states, the competition for scarce state dollars and donations will be intense in the years ahead. Many institutions are dramatically revising their infrastructure costs to offer much lower tuition, putting direct pressure on enrollments for higher priced institutions.

“Innovation at all levels of an institution is critical to survival,” say Significant System’s business management consultants.

While tuition is rising in all sectors of education, the current model is not sustainable. Therefore, pulling together a SignificantSystems.org public/private partnership to help provide a solution to sustain the institution’s mission is a time whose idea has come!

A major goal of our higher educational consultant initiative is to be a part of stabilizing tuition increases by taking a more long-term approach to leveraging Internet technology, providing more jobs for faculty through increased enrollment, and utilizing financial markets for favorable real estate restoration.

A recent survey of the National Association of State and Budget Officers reported: "Deferring maintenance is a common strategy to meet short term state budget revenue shortfalls." The same is true regarding private institutions.

The report continues: "Facilities are a major challenge in our nation's largest states." This survey again documents the failure of the "high-tuition/high-aid "model to fund access."

Our Education Model

Higher Education Consultants
Nonprofit higher education consulting firm, SignificantSystems.org, offers a new education model for all colleges and universities to explore. We offer:

•    Expertise and funding for robust online operations, thereby providing jobs for faculty and access for students at the lowest possible tuition.

•    Financing for the restoration of new classroom facilities.

•    Funding for new buildings on innovative-shared revenue models.

Catering to the “Born Digital” Generation

Here at our higher education marketing firm, we believe in the merger of technology and ground-based campuses in order to provide more access and better outcomes for each college freshman, who will begin this journey.

These freshman, born in 1995, are the first "born digital" generation (see the chart dramatizing the development of technology since 1995 at the top of this page). Everything they do is in the “Cloud.” We must offer them, over the next 20 years, increasingly enhanced opportunities to learn via the merger of technology and terrific classroom experiences.

Our model is quite simple, conceptually:

•    Our agreement provides an outsourcing management of select online/campus operations (other than teaching the student and processing Title IV on behalf of the college). All of the funding is provided by our firm (at risk) in exchange for a tuition revenue share.

•    As part of this agreement, we provide real estate funding for new campus buildings to increase access to classroom space and/or dorms while offering the online solution. We have access to hundreds of millions of dollars to dramatically remake an institution’s physical footprint.

•    The online component allows the institution to hire more faculty members, while providing broader access to those students being denied a education today. Advertising online degrees increases campus-based classroom enrollment.

•    Flexibility is the key to the approach of our higher education consulting firm as we desire to build a tailored Academic/Financial Strategy to help provide solutions to sustain your mission.

Contact Significant Systems

Thank you so much for taking time to review this introduction. Please visit our website for more information and take the time to let us know what you think! If you have any interest in pursuing our new model of education for your institution, don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

Remember, our goal is simple:

•    Provide Broader Access
•    Lower Tuition and Fees
•    Leave your Institution with Less Debt and More Graduates
•    Facilitate Education with a Purpose

Looking forward to our possible conversation!

Dr. Michael K. Clifford
760.801.5021(My personal cell)

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